Digital Catalogue
Abbaspour Industrial Group
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Abbaspour Industrial Group Abbaspour industrial group - Adrin

  • More than 100 active branches

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  • International cooperation

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  • Environment lover

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Abbaspour industrial group - Adrin
  • The freshest ingredients

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  • Safety and quality assurance

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  • Modern Technology

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Our story and the founder

Abbaspour Industrial Group

Abbaspour - Adrin Industrial Group was founded and started its activity in 1956 under the name of Tafi Abbaspour and with the perseverance and tact of the late Haj Ali Akbar Abbaspour in East Azarbaijan province - Tabriz city. In the 70s, with the modernization of the equipment and the round-the-clock efforts of the late Hamid Abbaspour, the eldest son of Haj Ali Akbar Abbaspour, significant quantitative and qualitative growth was achieved, and with the use of modern technology, expert and experienced people, as well as the welcome of dear customers throughout Iran, The variety of products increased day by day and new production lines and as a result more diverse products were added to the product portfolio, which, in addition to the domestic markets, also attracted the attention of the international markets, which, in addition to exporting its products to other countries, also achieved success in this field. Such as receiving the European Golden Arch Award (quality and technology), the Madrid Commitment Award (global quality) and also the first health apple in Iran, the quality and safety model unit in 2014 and...

In 2011, this group was renamed to the current name of Adrin Abbaspour Industrial Group Company and currently operates under the management of Mr. Majid and Mehran Abbaspour with more than 100 product varieties and employing young and expert people in the field of production, distribution and sales. . Adrin's reputation is not due to the variety of products, but the result of the perseverance and creativity of employees who always pay attention to product quality and customer satisfaction.

Abbaspour Industrial Group
food industrial group
041 - 7222
Head office (factory address)
Kilometer 20 of Tabriz-Tehran Road - Abbaspour Industrial Estate
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